If you want a top-notch oral health and smile after tooth extraction, it’s important to follow the post-op instructions your dentist, Dr. Daniel Wood, gives you. This is because there is a chance you can experience complications and problems following treatment. Those complications and problems include:
-Dry socket: Dry socket occurs when a blood clot fails to form after surgery or when an already-formed blood clot breaks off prematurely. This problem can be very painful and should be treated with a medicated bandage as soon as possible. So, please contact our office if you experience this issue.
-Numb lips and chin: It’s normal to feel numb after treatment. This is because your dentist used numbing agents to prevent sensation during the appointment. However, if the numbness remains after one to two days, it’s a sign that a nerve was bothered. This can happen when extracting lower wisdom teeth. In this case, it’s best to call our office and schedule an appointment.
-Infection: Infection is always a concern after pulling teeth, but it doesn’t usually occur for people who have healthy immune systems. If you notice signs of infection, it’s best to contact our office and schedule an appointment.